When it comes to financial and access needs, ViiVConnect is
dedIcated to personalIzed support for you and your patIents
Use the dropdown below to see specific information on prescribing pathways (if applicable), patient savings programs, as well as access and reimbursement.
Select the medicine you are prescribing
PrescrIbIng Pathways
Once you have prescribed CABENUVA, choose the pathway that will work best for your office:
Related resources
PatIent savIngs programs & assIstance
Related resources
OrderIng InformatIon
When it comes to getting your patient's prescribed medication, ViiVConnect has resources that can help. To begin, consider reviewing the Introduction to Access and Acquisition guide first.
BIllIng, codIng, & reImbursement resources
Our aim is to help your patient get started on their prescribed medication as quickly as possible. See below for resources that can help.